Oat Milk | How to make the best oat milk every time – 3 flavors - Delicious Recipes


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Monday 13 May 2019

Oat Milk | How to make the best oat milk every time – 3 flavors

Are you a fan of oat milk? Why not try and make it at home all by yourself? Here are 3 delicious recipes that will help you make the best oat milk every time!

There’s nothing like a glass of cold milk in the summer. We use milk in a multitude of ways, we could even say that milk is like the forefront of civilization. We depend on it while being breastfed during our first months of life. Chocolate milk was probably one of your favorite things to have at breakfast during middle school. I know mine was. Not to mention all the configurations of milk and coffee out there, that gave birth to the cappuccino and the flat white.

Milk is used in many recipes, too, not just drinks. You can barely make a cake without it. So you could say milk is pretty essential in the kitchen. But what if you can’t drink milk?

Lactose intolerance is a pretty serious problem to consider when you want to follow a diet. Lactose intolerance comes in many forms – perhaps consuming lactose makes you bloated, or maybe it lands you directly in the hospital. Point is, you can’t risk it with real milk. Or you could be following a vegan diet!

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There are many alternatives to cow’s milk and it’s so easy to make a milk-like substance from a variety of other ingredients. Today we’ll talk about how to make one of my favorite types of milk – oat milk.

how to use oats to make milk

Oats are a reliable source of nutrients for people who are otherwise allergic to lactose or nuts – so almond milk is out of the question. A glass of oat ‘milk’ does contain less protein than a regular milk glass, but it also contains 0 saturated fats and contains much more fiber than real milk, which doesn’t contain almost any. So today we’ll be looking at how to make oat milk, and then I’ll show you some tasty applications! 🙂

This oats beverage is one of the easiest things to make in the kitchen, in my humble opinion. To make oat ‘milk’ you are going to have to use your blender. Bet you weren’t expecting that! Well, how else are we going to make milk out of oat cereal? So take your oats of choice and start blending! Add a bit of salt to the mix, because oat ‘milk’ will be naturally sweet from the oats, and you want to sort of mimic that animal milk flavor. If you want to make vanilla oat milk just like I did, you can add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and ta-da! 🙂

how to make oat milk

Don’t blend the milk for much longer than a minute, if you don’t want your milk to be slimy in texture. After blending the oats, you will have to strain the mix through your favorite strainer. Oat ‘milk’ should definitely be refrigerated for some time after blending and straining so that the whole thing becomes homogenous.

The problem with oat ‘milk’ is that you can’t heat it up – it will lose its texture and become gelatin. So the applications of oat ‘milk’ are a bit limited. You can still use it in your morning coffee, add it to the smoothie of your choice, and even cooking. Oat ‘milk’ is naturally creamier so some applications will benefit from that.

Vanilla Oat Milk

vanilla oat milk

In case you want to experiment with oat ‘milk’ even more, here’s one simple but super effective suggestion: vanilla oat milk! All you need to do to create it is to add a teaspoon of vanilla extract in the blender when you are mixing the oats and voila – the perfectly flavored plant-based milk is ready!

cereal milk

This is the recipe that I always prepare because I think it’s perfect for drinking by itself or for adding it in your coffee. The vanilla flavor is subtle but it perfectly completes the entire mix!

Golden Milk / Turmeric Latte

Another cool recipe I might suggest is a delicious turmeric latte recipe featuring oats ‘milk’ – or golden milk as some people like to call it. Turmeric latte is a healthy and delicious alternative to your morning coffee, and you can use any type of milk to make it, but just for the sake of the argument, we’ll be talking about turmeric latte made with oats ‘milk’ this time.

golden turmeric oat milk lapte de ovaz cu turmeric reteta

Assuming that your oat ‘milk’ is ready, you will have to add it to a saucepan, along with ground ginger, ground turmeric, vanilla extract, and maple syrup. And some ground black pepper for taste, it’s up to you if you add this one or not. Add over medium heat, stir, and serve. Add a little cinnamon to each cup according to taste.

Turmeric latte is a great replacement for your daily coffee. It has the nutrients to provide you with a healthy energy boost for the day, and I would recommend that you try it out, even with real milk if you want! 🙂

golden turmeric milk made of oats lapte de ovaz cu turmeric

Cocoa Oat Milk

Here’s a fun idea: Cocoa oat ‘milk’! Once you’ve gotten the gist of making oat milk, there’s no reason not to enjoy it with cocoa. You can use dates as well to sweeten your milk, as I said before. You have to add the cocoa powder to the mix before you start blending, of course.

chocolate oat milk lapte de ovaz cu cacao reteta

You will have to figure out your taste in cocoa to milk ratio yourself, but as a pointer, you’ll have two teaspoons of cocoa extract for every three cups of water added to the mix. Stir and serve cool, and there you have it. A perfect glass of cocoa oat ‘milk’, rich in the nutrients you need and deserve! Even if you’re not lactose intolerant, or vegan, I recommend that you try this one out for yourself!

chocolate milk made of oats lapte de ovaz cu cacao

Needless to say that cocoa oat ‘milk’ is perfect even for the little ones, especially for breakfast! Give it a try and I’m pretty sure everyone will love it!

chocolate milk made of oats recipe lapte de ovaz cu cacao

I hope you enjoyed making oat milk, and if you tried some of the other two recipes that use it, please don’t hesitate to tell me how they turned out!

Oat Milk | How to make the best oat milk every time - 3 flavors


  • For the Vanilla oat milk:
  • 1 cup oats
  • 3 cups filtered water
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt or sugar (optional)
  • For the Chocolate oat milk:
  • 1 cup oats
  • 3 cups filtered water
  • 3 Medjool dates
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • For the Turmeric oat milk:
  • 2 cups oat milk
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  1. Making the vanilla oat milk:
  2. Pour the ingredients into a food processor and blend on high until smooth, for about 3 minutes.
  3. Strain the oat milk by pouring it through a clean napkin into any clean recipient.
  4. Use your hands to squeeze the milk out of your nut milk bag. Enjoy!
  5. Making the chocolate oat milk:
  6. Pour all the ingredients into a food processor and blend on high until smooth, for about 3 minutes.
  7. Strain the chocolate milk by pouring it through a clean napkin into any clean recipient.
  8. Use your hands to squeeze the milk out of your nut milk bag. enjoy!
  9. Making the turmeric oat milk:
  10. In a small pot on medium heat, add ½ cup oat milk and the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a simmer.
  11. Turn off the heat. Whisk until well incorporated.
  12. Stir in the remaining milk. Divide between cups and enjoy.



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