The recipe for lasagna with asparagus and ham WW, is a good light dish of creamy lasagna with white sauce, easy and simple to make. To serve with a nice salad for an evening meal.
Ingredients for 6 people: - 8 SP / person -
- 200 g precooked lasagna leaves
- 600 g of asparagus
- 150 g sliced white ham sliced
- 1 ball of light mozzarella (125 g)
- 30 g grated lean gruyère cheese
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
For the béchamel:
- 500 ml skimmed milk
- 30 g cornflour
- 1 pinch of nutmeg
- salt pepper
wash the asparagus and then peel them from the head to the bottom of the stem and cut the end on 1 cm.
Cook the asparagus in the salted water for about 10 minutes.
Then drain them and cut them into pieces.
In a skillet, heat the olive oil and fry the asparagus for 2 minutes.
Add the ham cut into strips and cook for about 5 minutes.
Cut the mozzarella into cubes.
For the béchamel:
Heat a little milk in a saucepan and mix the cornflour.
Add the rest of the milk and bring to a boil.
Add salt, pepper, nutmeg and let the bechamel thicken.
In a dish place a layer of béchamel then a layer of lasagna, a layer of asparagus with ham and diced mozzarella then cover with béchamel.
Repeat until all the ingredients are gone, finishing with a béchamel sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese.
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