Mincemeat & Orange Muesli Muffins - Delicious Recipes


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Saturday 13 April 2019

Mincemeat & Orange Muesli Muffins

I am always keen to try something new to feed my family for breakfast on Christmas morning.  Usually I want something which is quick and easy to throw together, but that is, at the same time, a tiny bit special.  

Presenting Mincemeat & Orange Muesli Muffins!  A doddle to put together and yet very special! 

What you have here is a delicious, moist muffin, flavoured with, ground almonds, some orange marmalade and orange liqueur . . . I used Grand Marnier, but you could use any orange liqueur that you like or even just orange juice if you don't want to use alcohol. You don't need a lot, just a teaspoon.  I buy tiny bottles of liqueurs at the grocery shop and keep them for just this purpose. 

The muffin mixture is put into buttered ramekins over the top of mincemeat.  I use a heaped tablespoon per ramekin, which works nicely.  If you dont' like mincemeat, you can use any fruit compote or preserve which you do like.  Apple sauce would work well, or apricot compote . . . rhubarb compote, or even a lovely fruit jam. 

Finely a muesli like streusal is sprinkled on top to finish. 

I use a basic sized ramekin, each holding about 1/2 cup altogether.  These get placed in a baking dish and then you fill the baking dish with some boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the ramekins.  This is called a Bain Marie.  Especially helpful if you are using fancy cups to bake them in that you don't want to risk breaking in the heat of the oven.  (These are really cute done in demi-tasse cups!)

They only take 25 to 30 minutes to bake perfectly.  They will not rise much above the cup, or create a dome, but they sure are some tasty! 

I like to dust the tops with a bit of icing sugar to pretty them up a bit, kind of like putting on a lace petticoat!  They feel all dainty and ready to celebrate  . . .

You eat them warm . . .  the warm mincemeat at the bottom and that warm moist muffin at the top.  The only way these could get better is if you had little quenelles of clotted cream dressing up the tops . . .  and maybe come bacon curls on the side. 

You can even bake these ahead and then freeze them in the freezer so all you have to do is take them out the night before and thaw them on the counter over night, popping them into a warm oven for a brief time  on the morning.  By the time you have the coffee made and table set, breakfast is served! 

They are really impressive and oh so delicious! 

They look special, they feel special and they  . . .  taste special! 

Perfect for the holidays.  You can also easily double the recipe if you want to serve more. 

They are not overly large, so your tummy won't be stuffed, leaving plenty of room for you to enjoy your Christmas lunch a little later in the day!!

Yield: 4

Mincemeat & Orange Meusli Muffins

prep time: 10 minscook time: 30 minstotal time: 40 mins

A delicious breakfast muffin with the added surprise of warm  mincemeat at the bottom.


40g butter, plus extra for buttering the ramekins (3 TBS)

40g soft light brown sugar (3 TBS)

60g orange marmalade (3 TBS)

1 tsp orange flavoured liqueur

25g ground almonds (1/4 cup)

1 large free range egg, beaten

50g plain flour (6 1/2 TBS)

1/2 tsp baking powder

50ml buttermilk (3 1/2 TBS)

4 heaped TBS prepared mincemeat

for the topping:

1 tsp soft light brown sugar

30g rolled oats (1/3 cup)

1 TBS flour

1 TBS butter


Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.  4 medium custard cups
 or baking ramekins.  Have ready a baking tin large enough to hold the

Cream together the butter, sugar,
marmalade and liqueur to combine well.  Beat in the egg.  Stir in the
ground almonds, flour and baking powder.  Stir in the buttermilk just
until all are combined.

Rub together the ingredients for the topping until crumbly.

 your ramekins lightly.  Spoon 1 heaped TBS of mincemeat into the bottom
 of each and spread it out.  Divide the batter equally amongst the
ramekins. Divide the topping between each of them sprinkling it on top.

Place into the baking dish and add boiling water to come halfway up the sides.

 in the preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes, until risen, golden brown
and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean.  Serve warm.

 -You can freeze the baked muffins in the cups.  Simply thaw overnight
and then reheat in a moderate muffin for 10 to 15 minutes before
serving.  If you are not fond of mincemeat, feel free to use any type of
 fruit compote or preserves.  Apple sauce is nice, as is rhubarb or
apricot compote.

Remember, if mincemeat isn't your thing, you can use any other type of fruit filling, compote, preserves or even jam.  They are very forgiving and very adaptable!  Happy Holidays! 

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