Bistro Potato Salad - Delicious Recipes


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Wednesday 17 April 2019

Bistro Potato Salad

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I am just loving this summer heat wave we are having.  We have had several really poor summers in a row here in the UK, so this sunny warm weather is lovely to see! 
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A few weeks back we planted lots of salad leaves in portable troughs by our back/kitchen door.   They are doing beautifully along with the variety of herbs I have planted . . . and this weather is just perfect for using them!  

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We holidayed in the South of France one year and had a lovely time.  It was so quiet and sunny . . . and filled with beautiful medieval walled towns, cobbled streets . . . and gorgeous bistros where you could get the loveliest simple dishes . . .   

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Dishes very similar to this salad . . . the type of thing that you might served in someone's home were you to drop by for a meal . . . simple food, using beautiful fresh ingredients, simply and well prepared.  

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Delicious flavours.   This salad uses lovely baby salad greens . . . fresh herbs . . . today I used mint, dill, tarragon, parsley and chives, and a few spring onions . . .  a few thinly sliced crisp garden radishes complete the picture . . .

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Do use a good quality Sherry Vinegar . . . and a good quality Dijon mustard.   It goes without saying that you want a good salad quality extra virgin olive oil.  Some boiled new potatoes.   A couple of sliced hard boiled eggs . . . and you have a meal fit for a king.  

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As the Toddster tucked into his tonight he said to me . . . "Your salads are never boring!"  That made my day.   I hate boring salads . . . don't you?  

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And I loved that he notices.  Mind . . . the barbequed Bratwurst on the side didn't hurt . . .
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*Bistro Potato Salad *
Serves 2

A refreshingly light supper salad filled with herbs and dressed with a sherry vinaigrette.
For the salad:
2 pounds new potatoes
2 large free range eggs
1 tsp vinegar
1 small handful of spinach leaves trimmed
1 small handful of mixed lettuce leaves
several sprigs of tarragon, finely chopped
2 mint leaves, finely chopped
5 sprigs of dill, finely chopped
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1 TBS roughly chopped chives
4 radishes, finely sliced
fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the dressing:
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 TBS good sherry vinegar
3 TBS olive oil
Bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil.   Add the potatoes and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes until al dente.  While the potatoes are cooking, hard-boil the eggs in a small saucepan to which you have added 1 tsp vinegar.  Bring the water to the boil then slide the eggs carefully into the boiling water.  Cook for 8 to 9 minutes, then drain and run under cold water until they are cool enough to handle.  Peel, cut into quarters and set aside.
Drain the potatoes and refresh under cold water.  Peel and then cut the potatoes into thick slices.   Put them in a bowl and drizzle with some sherry vinegar.

Arrange the salad leaves on a large serving dish, leaving a space in the centre for the potatoes.   Sprinkle with the herbs, spring onions and chives.  Season with salt and drizzle with a bit more sherry vinegar.   Put the potatoes in the centre and arrange the egg quarters around them.

Whisk together the mustard, vinegar and oil for the vinaigrette.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Pour the dressing over the potato salad.   Sprinkle with a few extra herbs and the radish slices and serve.

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We seriously made short work of this in no time . . . it was unctuously delicious.   Creamy new potatoes, crisp and peppery radishes, herby salad leaves . . . and a dressing with punch.   Glorious!

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